172,820 research outputs found

    Enhancing the Effectiveness of Social Dialogue Articulation in Europe (EESDA) Project No. VS/2017/0434 Social Dialogue Articulation and Effectiveness: Country Report for France

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    This report presents a country study analysing the articulation and effectiveness of social dialogue in France. The methodological approach relies on desk research and semi-structured interviews with social partners in France, aiming at obtaining deeper insights into how issues are articulated in French social dialogue, actors are interacting, and how social dialogue outcomes are achieved – and ultimately implemented. Following a brief historical background on the industrial relations system and the evolutions in the French context after a series of reforms, the report then provides both a cross-sectoral overview of social dialogue articulation and the interaction with European-level social dialogue. It also offers a sectoral perspective by looking at four sectors with a particular focus on four occupations within these sectors: commerce (sales agents), construction (construction workers), education (teachers) and healthcare (nurses). The research suggests a diversity of experiences both in cross-sectoral and sectoral social dialogue articulation and their effectiveness depending on the type of actor (e.g. trade unions, employer organisations, etc.) and on the sector of focus. The perceptions of social dialogue effectiveness are mixed in the face of continuous reforms over the last decades. Interactions with European-level social dialogue and social partners is considered as important (particularly in some sectors), but the intensity of the interaction is limited when it comes to involvement in the European Semester process

    Construction nationale et construction des identités de genre en Allemagne (1848-1870)

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    International audienceDer Text zeigt anhand der Analyse des deutschen Beispiels auf, wie im Zusammenspiel mit der nationalen IdentitĂ€t Geschlechterkategorien im 19. Jahrhundert konstruiert, verĂ€ndert und benutzt wurden. Untersucht werden drei ZeitrĂ€ume : die Revolution von 1848-49, die 1860er Jahre und der deutsch-französische Krieg von 1870/71. Die hier vorgestellten Quellen wurden von Frauen verfasst, die sich öffentlich engagierten. Sie stellten einen Versuch dar, sich in die zeitgenössich vorherrschenden Debatten einzumischen, politische Meinungen zu formulieren und zu artikulieren, neue Rechte fĂŒr Frauen einzufordern und deren potentielle Stellung als BĂŒrgerinnen in einem zukĂŒnftigen deutschen Staat zu definieren. Deutlich wird dabei, in welchem Maße sich die Autorinnen dieser Texte als der deutschen Nation wĂŒrdig erweisen mussten, wie sie folglich gezwungen waren, sich nicht nur als „Frauen“, sondern als „deutsche Frauen“ auszudrĂŒcken und sich insbesondere vom Stereotyp der „französischen Frau“ zu distanzieren. Diese doppelte IdentitĂ€t beschrĂ€nkte die von ihnen postulierbaren Forderungen merklich, wie am Beispiel von Themen wie Emanzipation oder politische Rechte deutlich wird. Zahlreiche der hier vorgestellten Autorinnen bemĂŒhten sich, ihre HandlungsspielrĂ€ume dadurch auszuweiten, dass sie – eingebettet in die zeitgenössischen Problemlagen – dem Begriff der „Weiblichkeit“ einen neuen und „modernen“ Inhalt zu geben versuchten.L'exemple allemand analysĂ© dans cet article montre comment les catĂ©gories du « masculin » et du « fĂ©minin » sont construites, transformĂ©es et utilisĂ©es en lien Ă©troit avec l'identitĂ© nationale. Trois pĂ©riodes – la rĂ©volution de 1848-1849, les annĂ©es 1860 et la guerre de 1870 – sont successivement examinĂ©es Ă  travers des textes produits par des Allemandes qui tentent de participer Ă  la formation de l'opinion publique durant ces annĂ©es-lĂ . Ces sources (principalement de nature journalistique) tĂ©moignent de leurs tentatives pour intervenir dans les dĂ©bats du moment, pour exprimer des opinions politiques, pour revendiquer de nouveaux droits pour les femmes et dĂ©finir pour elles un statut de citoyennes dans l'Etat allemand Ă  venir. Pour se faire entendre, ces auteures doivent se montrer dignes de la nation allemande, et, par consĂ©quent, s'exprimer non seulement « en tant que femmes » mais aussi en tant que « femmes allemandes » ; ceci implique de se distinguer clairement du stĂ©rĂ©otype de la « femme française ». La revendication de cette double identitĂ© – genrĂ©e et nationale – s'avĂšre Ă  la fois indispensable et restrictive, comme on le voit avec les thĂšmes de l'Ă©mancipation et des droits politiques. Beaucoup de ces femmes publiquement engagĂ©es essaient donc d'Ă©largir leur champ d'action en jouant sur la notion de « fĂ©minitĂ© » qu'elles sont obligĂ©es de prendre en compte ; il s'agit notamment de donner Ă  cette notion un contenu nouveau et « moderne », en lien avec les problĂšmes de leur temps

    Where Is the Power? Transnational Networks, Authority and the Dispute over the Xayaburi Dam on the Lower Mekong Mainstream

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    Accounts of hydro-hegemony and counter hydro-hegemony provide state-based conceptions of power in international river basins. However, authority should be seen as transnationalized as small states develop coping strategies to augment their authority over decision-making processes. The article engages Rosenau’s spheres of authority concept to argue that hydro-hegemony is exercised by actors embedded in spheres of authority that reshape actor configurations as they emerge. These spheres consist of complex networks challenging customary notions of the local-global dichotomy and hydro-hegemony. Hydro-hegemony is therefore not fixed. The article examines these processes by analysing the dispute over the Xayaburi Dam in the Mekong Basin

    Where Is the Power? Transnational Networks, Authority and the Dispute over the Xayaburi Dam on the Lower Mekong Mainstream

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    Accounts of hydro-hegemony and counter hydro-hegemony provide state-based conceptions of power in international river basins. However, authority should be seen as transnationalized as small states develop coping strategies to augment their authority over decision-making processes. The article engages Rosenau’s spheres of authority concept to argue that hydro-hegemony is exercised by actors embedded in spheres of authority that reshape actor configurations as they emerge. These spheres consist of complex networks challenging customary notions of the local-global dichotomy and hydro-hegemony. Hydro-hegemony is therefore not fixed. The article examines these processes by analysing the dispute over the Xayaburi Dam in the Mekong Basin

    "Promotion Nationale: Forty-Five Years of Experience of Public Works in Morocco"

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    Created in 1961, Promotion Nationale (PN) is an autonomous public entity in charge of mobilizing an underemployed or unemployed workforce for the implementation of labor-intensive projects, calling upon a simple technology likely to provide employment to unskilled workers. It is one of the major programs of social protection in Morocco—the oldest, most important, and best-targeted social program in the country. Vis-à-vis the importance of rural underemployment, especially during dry years, estimated per million working days, PN aims to improve employment opportunities by developing collective working methods, and by generating large-scale investment for the realization of public infrastructure projects and rural equipment. This institution aims at limiting rural migration through the permanent improvement of local incomes and living conditions. It thus constitutes a safety net for a large part of the population, especially in rural areas. Forty-five years after its creation, PN has at its credit an important and single assessment regarding the fight against unemployment with minimal management costs, in spite of certain difficulties and limitations that hinder the organization, particularly in terms of the geographical targeting of rural poverty zones.

    Discussing the nature of the EU: from the inter-state model to global constitutionalism

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    Historically, the European Union has been characterized by different legal formulations. Positions are divided, broadly speaking, between those that understand this entity as an international organization in the classical sense, to those others which claim that its features are actually of a Statenature, and that the obvious model of evolution would be the Federal State. In the end, all this leads us, undoubtedly, to the European constitutional project. In this work we give a brief account of all these proposals, and then we try to adopt a different point of view: for us, the nature of the European Union should not be looked for in the legal configuration of the political project, but also in the silent evolution -and not so silent- of a legal order, the European legal order, that is increasingly systematic, and that must boast a key position on the evolution towards a higher level of legal organization, global constitutionalism. In the building up of this proposal, we will appeal to the concept of global ethics and to the recent example of the CETA case of TJUE, which opens the European Legal system to alien influences.Históricamente, se ha caracterizado la Unión Europea mediante diversas fórmulas jurídicas. Las posiciones se dividen, a grandes rasgos, entre aquellas que conciben esta entidad como una organización internacional en sentido clåsico, hasta aquellas que propugnan que sus rasgos son los propios de un Estado, y que su modelo evidente de evolución sería el Estado Federal. En el fondo de la cuestión se encuentra, sin duda, el proyecto constitucional europeo. En el presente trabajo damos breve cuenta de estas propuestas, para después optar por un punto de vista distinto de ellas: para nosotros, la naturaleza de la Unión Europea no debe buscarse sólo en la configuración jurídica del proyecto político, sino también en la propia evolución silenciosa -o no tanto- de un ordenamiento, el de la Unión Europea, que va ganando forma sistemåtica, y que debe ostentar una posición clave en la evolución hacia un nivel de organización jurídica mayor, el constitucionalismo global. En la construcción de esta propuesta, recurriremos al concepto de ética mundial y al ejemplo reciente del caso CETA del TJUE, que abre el sistema jurídico europeo a influencias externas
